We're back...and with a new(ish) addition!

I have been delinquent in blogging this past year. But I am happy to have started posting again. At the moment we do not have a fish named popcorn. We are planning to get a new one soon. We do, however, have a baby boy named Jack. He is 9 months old and awesome! Hope you enjoy keeping up with our adventures.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Casey & Lauren's trip to Germany & Prague, Czech Republic

Casey's sister, Lauren, had never been to Europe. So what a better reason to go than to celebrate a college graduation? Casey wanted to share some of the places she had been in college (Munich, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic). Their schedules didn't allow them to go until winter, but they didn't care! All bundled up they enjoyed the week. It was an amazing time!!


- A Carnival store in Mainz
- The market in Mainz
- Lauren in the snow (1st time that trip)
- Weisbaden walk by our hotel
- Jen (from Stetson), her husband Gil, Lauren, and Casey drinking Reisling in Weisbaden


- Top of the clock tower at night
- Charles Bridge (1st of many trips across), twilight and day
- The castle
- Inisde the cathedral
- Out at U Fleku
- Old square at night


- Dinner at Haufbrauhaus
- Crashing a birthday party
- Market
- Glockenspiel
- Inside "Our dear lady" cathedral
-We Karayoked with Germans to Journey

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