We're back...and with a new(ish) addition!

I have been delinquent in blogging this past year. But I am happy to have started posting again. At the moment we do not have a fish named popcorn. We are planning to get a new one soon. We do, however, have a baby boy named Jack. He is 9 months old and awesome! Hope you enjoy keeping up with our adventures.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weekend in Tallahassee

Casey went to Tallahassee for Amy's baby shower. But first she got to have lunch with Kim & Betsy.

Ami and her Mom's friends all got together the night before the shower. Then, Casey and Lauren went out for a little bit at FSU. Fun stuff!

The shower was hosted by Colleen, Kristi, Cat, Steph, and Casey. The new baby girl, Adolyn, is due to arrive on Casey's birthday (early April)! We can't wait to meet her.

There was a lot of visiting with family (and a little work). Everyone went with Lauren to register her for Graduation this Spring- exciting! Casey and her Mom went to her Grandma's house and spent a night before heading back to New York. They celebrated her Grandma's birthday.

It was a very nice visit!

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