We're back...and with a new(ish) addition!

I have been delinquent in blogging this past year. But I am happy to have started posting again. At the moment we do not have a fish named popcorn. We are planning to get a new one soon. We do, however, have a baby boy named Jack. He is 9 months old and awesome! Hope you enjoy keeping up with our adventures.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jael's Baby Shower

Lee & Jael are expecting their first child- a boy- in late October. Casey went to her baby shower while Duncan hung out with the guys. Little Bronsnick got a great Dartmouth gift- his first pong paddle and Dr. Suess book.

JL Roaring 20s Party

The Junior League had it's first party of the year last night- a roaring 20s theme. Casey & Duncan went in style and met up with a few friends.
This is Melissa- the friend Casey is going to SE Asia with at the end of the year.

This is Laurie & her boyfriend Noah:

And, this is Alison:

Casey, Alison, Melissa, Nisha (didn't come to the party), and Leah (didn't get a picture with) became friends last year when they were on the same committee. Laurie was one of the first friends Casey met through the transfers group. Fun night!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fire Island

The Simmonses went over to Fire Island for the weekend. They bought into a shared vacation house with people they didn't know. Fortunately they were all around the same age and very nice. A couple of them actually live in the same neighborhood as Casey & Duncan.

They took a nice long walk through the sunken forest national park. It was so cool!

The weather couldn't have been more beautiful. Although you could tell it was definitely the end of summer, it was still hot enough to lay out on the beach and go swimming during the day.

It was such an excellent end of the summer trip.

Kayaking at Oyster Bay

Casey & Duncan hopped on the train to spend another great day with Susie & Denis. They all went to Oyster Bay. The weather looked very bad in the morning and turned out to be gorgeous! It was good to get some kayaking practice in before heading to Baja in just a couple of weeks...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day weekend 2009

To keep in the tradition from last year's labor day weekend, Duncan & Casey started off by meeting at the Boat House Cafe. It's right in Central Park and has the best view- and cheese plate!

Saturday they met David & Jessi at Governor's Island. This used to be a Coast Guard base until the late 90s. It was sold to the City and turned into a park a couple of years ago. There are bike trails, kayak spots, and a wonderful picnic area. The views are downtown, statue of liberty, and the water. What a great day!

Grimaldi's pizza is very famous- Sanatra's favorite. It's just under the Brooklyn bridge. We braved the long line with Matt & Elizabeth. It definitely lived up to the hype. After we walked off (some) by walking over the bridge back to Manhattan.

Jenny & Andrew Vogel- from Stetson- came back to NYC and brought a couple of their friends. We took them out in our neighborhood for Brazilian food and fun. It was great seeing them!

The weekend was topped off by a picnic in Central Park. Nisha (from Junior League) and her husband, Peter and Jon from CBS and Peter's wife Priya all joined.

Great holiday weekend!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day Off

D & C planned on going to Fire Island for the weekend and took Friday off. Unfortunately a Tropical Storm came and ruined their plans. Have no fear, though- they know how to make the most of a day off. Long lunch at Balthazar, massage, and dinner at Lure Fish Bar. Fun!