We're back...and with a new(ish) addition!

I have been delinquent in blogging this past year. But I am happy to have started posting again. At the moment we do not have a fish named popcorn. We are planning to get a new one soon. We do, however, have a baby boy named Jack. He is 9 months old and awesome! Hope you enjoy keeping up with our adventures.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

JL Roaring 20s Party

The Junior League had it's first party of the year last night- a roaring 20s theme. Casey & Duncan went in style and met up with a few friends.
This is Melissa- the friend Casey is going to SE Asia with at the end of the year.

This is Laurie & her boyfriend Noah:

And, this is Alison:

Casey, Alison, Melissa, Nisha (didn't come to the party), and Leah (didn't get a picture with) became friends last year when they were on the same committee. Laurie was one of the first friends Casey met through the transfers group. Fun night!

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