We're back...and with a new(ish) addition!

I have been delinquent in blogging this past year. But I am happy to have started posting again. At the moment we do not have a fish named popcorn. We are planning to get a new one soon. We do, however, have a baby boy named Jack. He is 9 months old and awesome! Hope you enjoy keeping up with our adventures.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weekend in Ft. Lauderdale 9/5/08

Of course the first thing Duncan & Casey did when arriving back in Ft. Lauderdale was immediatley hit the beach. It was beautiful! Then they headed to Glenn & Tina Ketover's house for dinner & a jump in the pool. What a fantastic evening!

Saturday Casey went to Gaida's baby shower. It was a "Green" themed shower. All the ladies had a nice time celebrating with her. (Matt stopped by towards the end).
We can't wait to meet Baby Z!

Sunday a big group of friends- The Pisciottos, Fishmans, Kristen Angela and her two boys Anthony and Enzo, Rachel, Stacy, Mark, and Annette- met at the beach. It was fun seeing everyone again!

1 comment:

Gaida said...

I'm so glad you were able to make it Casey! It was great to see you :) Baby Z should be here next week, can you believe it? xoxo, Gaida